Teaching children about the letters of the alphabet and their sounds is a fundamental part of their development and skills.
This is a helpful and beautiful activity-cum game to help children learn letters of the alphabets (with words) and their sounds.
Each layout introduces the letter then asks pupils to think of words starting with that letter sound. They're also accompanied by example answers and contain multiple answers.
You could read the words/letters aloud at first by touch and then dragging them to right panel to get final scoring.
Animations, sounds, and graphics have pleasant ambience.
Code is dynamic and most items are created at run time. It is coded and updated by Saksham Nanda(Full stack developer, Australia). if you want your own custom themed GAME, contact us.
The game is a fun activity and have no end. Please report for any bug/error so that it may be fixed.
Play each part of activity and try to get maximum score. There 26 levels.