The Monkey and the Hunter is a classic physics demonstration of thought experiment that tackles well-understood topic: gravity.The goal is to aim and shoot the arrow so as to hit the free-falling monkey.
Note: No animals were harmed during the development of this thought experiment or while using C3 engine.
A template developed for educational purpose; however, much can be built over it. Have Fun!
The game is a learning activity and have unending levels and is developed with STEM theme. STEM Times is an active learning series of Kid’s Game being developed by us on STEM educational theme at
Everything is created at run time. It is coded and updated by Saksham Nanda. (Full stack developer, Australia). if you want your own custom themed GAME, contact us.
Please report for any bug/error so that it may be fixed.
Touch, Aim & Shoot the arrow. A line-of-sight & path can be used for arrow (projectile) forecast.
There are many options to put off or on different parameters along with option to make this simulation 5 times slower. Explore and have fun!