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, The amount you enter here will convert in words in both English and Hindi also. It's a nice tool for help you in day to day task.

Welcome! A number to word converter is tool that converts numbers in word format. Usually we write numbers in digit but sometimes we need to write down the numbers in words also to cross check the figure and increase readability of figure. When we write a cheque we have to write down the amount in words also. This app will also help you in write a cheque.

The above number to word converter gives output in Indian number format that is different from International number format. Here you can read number in English words and in Devanagari Hindi words too.

The game is developed with STEM theme and have no ending. Uses Pure Regex Magic and SpeechSynthesis.

STEM Times is an active learning series of Kid’s Game being developed by us on STEM educational theme at

Every thing is created at run time and so have random outcomes. It is coded by Saksham Nanda. (Full stack developer). if you want your own custom themed GAME, contact us.

The game is a learning activity and has no end. Please report for any bug/error so that it may be fixed.

very simple! just follow on screen guidelines & enjoy conversions. Just enter the amount and click on "Convert in Words" button you will get your number are converted in words. You can copy resultant words and use it anywhere you want.



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